She is delicate, she is beautiful,

She is responsible, she is dutiful,

She is emotional, she is intelligent.

She is hard working, she is diligent.

She is brave, she is savage,

She is extraordinary, and above average.

She is fearless, she is bold,

She is beautiful, when young and even when old.

She is thoughtful, she is compassionate,

She is tough, but also delicate.

She loves one, she loves all,

In the face of all adversities, she stands tall.

She nurtures, she protects,

She guides, she educates.

She gives without asking and loves with all her heart.

Her ability to love unconditionally is nothing less than art.

She is a mother, she is a sister,

She is a wife, a friend or a daughter.

In a lifetime, she dons so many roles,

She aces each one with heart and soul.

But above all, she is a Woman.

A person of substance, integrity, one who constantly tries to be a good human.

The epitome of beauty, grace and poise.

So celebrate her everyday, c’mon let me hear you make some noise!!!

All I am saying is that we women are fabulous and we should be celebrated not just on Women’s day but every day…and if no one shows up, let’s take a pledge to celebrate ourselves. Each day. And every day. 💖💖 Do you agree? Let me know in the comments. Keep it sassy ladies 😎😎

The View From the Top

There’s something about this view,

That always leaves me spellbound,

Every angle, every direction I look, there’s something new,

I wish I could explore more, if only I was not strapped and chair bound.

I keep trying to see things in these clouds,

Any shapes and figures my mind can conjure,

Seems ethereal, like a mystical mystery it shrouds,

That makes me look out in amazement and ponder.

The soft, fleecy clouds floating about,

To my inner child’s imagination, could be a million scoops of icecream,

Or sometimes, my devout heart can see God’s divine rays peeking out.

Other times, my logical mind can only marvel at the Creator’s scientific genius, while the poet in me can simply stare and dream.

Myriad thoughts, endless emotions,

Gives a chance for me and the infinity to converse.

Every time I am flying through the clouds, I feel like I am entranced with some magic potion,

Coz I am always left in awe of the magnificence and humbled by magnanimity of the universe.

I have been fortunate to fly many times in my life. Yet the view from the top never ceases to amaze me. ⛅☁️❤️ The pristine white clouds floating by, maintaining perfect balance, stretching as far as my eyes can see till the horizon, always casts a spell on me. And unless it’s a very early morning flight (in which case I am probably sleeping even before takeoff 😂😂), I am always looking out, soaking in the beauty of the sky, lost in a plethora of thoughts and sometimes remembering to capture some pictures that can help in day dreaming when I am back to mundane life on land..what are your thoughts when you’re flying? What do you think about? Please tell me in the comments. You know it wouldn’t hurt to know there are a few crazies out there just like me 😊💟

La Magnifique Sunset 🌇💖

The other day, I stumbled upon the most beautiful sunset I have seen in a while.

One that caught me by surprise and made me break into a smile.

So many shades, like a painter’s canvas,

Or a writer’s cathartic poetic stanza.

Just stood there soaking in the beauty with a fixed gaze,

Nature’s magnanimity and magnificence never fails to amaze.

Left me with the profound realization,

Just like every sunset promises a new dawn,

In the same way, the bad times eventually gives way to the good ones.

Which ushers in promises of new hope, some laughter and even some dance.

So, no matter how awful was the day,

Keep some faith in Mother nature’s mysterious ways,

When you least expect, she will send the most beautiful surprise your way.

One that will momentarily make you forget your worries and take all your stress away. 💗💗

No filters needed

Due to the relaxations in the lockdown restrictions imposed in my city, Last weekend stepped out to have lunch at a friend’s house..they have a beautiful south west facing balcony and the sunset view from there was just breathtaking…clicked endless pics…sharing a few with you let me know if you like it. What are your thoughts or realisations on seeing such beautiful sunrises and sunsets? Do tell 😊💟

Spring for my Soul 🌻🌼🦋🌺

The past year has been like no other. The pandemic has hit us hard and has been a testing time for all of us in varying capacities. It has imparted some important, never-to-forget life lessons though. Almost forgotten things like patience, slowing down, resting, relaxing, family time seems to have been reintroduced in our lives and have gained much fan following ever since…

For me, this whole experience has definitely made me more patient, for the sake of mental peace compelled me to find more time for myself (even though I have a crazy and super stressful work life), indulge in trying out new hobbies…but the most important life lesson I got out of this whole pandemic situation has been this –

Finding Happiness in the little things.

Like the joy of a steamin cup of coffee, watching a good film, going through photo albums to immerse myself in a sea of nostalgia to reminisce the good ol’ days, seeing flowers bloom in my mini balcony, standing in the balcony to hear the birds chirping away, watching kids play in the garden below (and secretly hoping to join them in their game of hide and seek). Simple things. Mundane things. Things we probably did and do every day without even realising the inherent beauty of it. Without realizing how it actually appeases each of our senses.

Like the sight of a clear blue sky with puffs of white clouds floating about or the bloom of colourful flowers in my small garden is visual happiness. The aroma of my chef styled cooked chicken wafting through the air heightens and appeases my sense of smell. Eating it makes my taste buds happy. Holding on to my husband’s hands during a horror film is comfort for my skin craving human touch. Listening to my favourite songs at blasting volume is happiness for my ears. So you see, how the simplest things have so many hidden joys. All we have to do is experience it with all the senses we have been blessed with, and try to derive as much joy and happiness out of it as possible. More so now than ever, as Corona is still out there, waiting to catch hold of us. So we still have to spend a lot of time inside our homes before we can really go back to our old, carefree normal.

In addition to pleasing our senses, I have realized it is equally important to please our soul…to nurture and replenish it with copious amounts of love, laughter, sunshine, peace, tranquility and contentment. In any way that works best for you. For me, I have decided that I am going to savour the simple joys, enjoy the mundane, complain less, appreciate more…and also add some colour in my life.

Here’s a sneak peek of my new plant babies ushering in the joy, hope and colours of Spring not just in my little balcony..but also into my life. Spring for my Soul. 💐🦋🌺🥰💕

Love for the night….

There is something so beautiful about the night,
That an early bird might never understand..
The night is silent, the night is peaceful,
The night is often like a dream and seldom a fright.

Night is like a beautiful silhouette,
When dreams unfold,
And come to life…
When your true creativity comes to light.

When all is quiet and peaceful,
And you have all the the time to think and ponder,
Free from all the daily stress,
The night time is indeed beautiful.

When all are asleep,
And you have all the time to yourself,
To do what you want,
To let your creativity leap.

Night time is indeed the best time of the day,
When others are fast asleep and you’re fully awake,
To enjoy the silence and tranquility,
And to keep all the stress away.