Spring for my Soul 🌻🌼🦋🌺

The past year has been like no other. The pandemic has hit us hard and has been a testing time for all of us in varying capacities. It has imparted some important, never-to-forget life lessons though. Almost forgotten things like patience, slowing down, resting, relaxing, family time seems to have been reintroduced in our lives and have gained much fan following ever since…

For me, this whole experience has definitely made me more patient, for the sake of mental peace compelled me to find more time for myself (even though I have a crazy and super stressful work life), indulge in trying out new hobbies…but the most important life lesson I got out of this whole pandemic situation has been this –

Finding Happiness in the little things.

Like the joy of a steamin cup of coffee, watching a good film, going through photo albums to immerse myself in a sea of nostalgia to reminisce the good ol’ days, seeing flowers bloom in my mini balcony, standing in the balcony to hear the birds chirping away, watching kids play in the garden below (and secretly hoping to join them in their game of hide and seek). Simple things. Mundane things. Things we probably did and do every day without even realising the inherent beauty of it. Without realizing how it actually appeases each of our senses.

Like the sight of a clear blue sky with puffs of white clouds floating about or the bloom of colourful flowers in my small garden is visual happiness. The aroma of my chef styled cooked chicken wafting through the air heightens and appeases my sense of smell. Eating it makes my taste buds happy. Holding on to my husband’s hands during a horror film is comfort for my skin craving human touch. Listening to my favourite songs at blasting volume is happiness for my ears. So you see, how the simplest things have so many hidden joys. All we have to do is experience it with all the senses we have been blessed with, and try to derive as much joy and happiness out of it as possible. More so now than ever, as Corona is still out there, waiting to catch hold of us. So we still have to spend a lot of time inside our homes before we can really go back to our old, carefree normal.

In addition to pleasing our senses, I have realized it is equally important to please our soul…to nurture and replenish it with copious amounts of love, laughter, sunshine, peace, tranquility and contentment. In any way that works best for you. For me, I have decided that I am going to savour the simple joys, enjoy the mundane, complain less, appreciate more…and also add some colour in my life.

Here’s a sneak peek of my new plant babies ushering in the joy, hope and colours of Spring not just in my little balcony..but also into my life. Spring for my Soul. 💐🦋🌺🥰💕

32 thoughts on “Spring for my Soul 🌻🌼🦋🌺

  1. This is such a nicely written feel good post, a neat guide to good and happy living. The chef style chicken sounds (and definitely smells) great, but the one I love best is the blasting of favourite music, it sounds so soothing 😀
    The flowers are very beautiful, your little garden must be a refreshing joy indeed this spring. And I love the marigold the most.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Deb for reading and liking the post…I am a bit desperate these days to be happy , feel happy…after all happiness is so elusive these days..so hanging on to every little thing and trying to make something positive of it 😊
      Oh and the blasting music is soothing to my ears..not so much for the neighbors probably 😆😆


    1. Happy to see you too can relate to this need to enjoy the simple pleasures of life that we so often take for granted…in a time where major milestone happy moments are few and far apart, this is what we need to get by…🥰🥰

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love how you say that the soul needs to be replenished with love, laughter, sunshine, joy – in whatever way it suits you. Truly – sunshine plays a huge role in one’s sense of happiness. The beauty and the color of a blooming flower is never fully appreciated except during the brightest sunshine. Physics apart, it’s the brightness of sunshine that gilds every bloom with a subtle golden sheen that further brings out their beauty.


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