
The other day I got some beautiful marigolds for decorating the house…once the celebrations were done and the flowers had served their purpose (guess I’d like to believe that, rather than it actually being true)..the idea dawned upon me…rather than throwing it away in the garbage, why don’t I put it back where it came from…the soil…so I put these flowers in the mud inside a small glass pot and began my daily routine of watering and careful monitoring of the progress if any (as I honestly wasn’t too optimistic about my gardening skills)..

For the next few days, I was a keen observer…carefully assessing if there is any development. Any signs of change in the soil or the sight of a slender, young green shoot popping its way out of the soil. No luck. When this continued for almost a week or so, honestly I was quite disheartened. My first attempt at gardening (or rather creating a new plant from old flowers) seemed to be a very obvious failure. Searches on YouTube showed how things had to be done with some technicalities in mind, which obviously I didn’t I guess my optimism was running out.

However, I kept watering the soil..just in case…And imagine my surprise, when suddenly, probably after 2 weeks or so after starting off on this experiment, I see tiny young stems making their way out of the soil…talk about little things giving immense joy…that never felt more true…I had not only become an ace gardener (ok, yes I know am really exaggerating, but what the heck..pat on my back nevertheless 😛😛), but i also felt exhilarated that those dried up withered flowers (which I probably would have thrown away) were now going to blossom into beautiful flowers yet again…isn’t that what we call Rebirth…the miracle of nature?? 😊😊

This simple feat (yes I insist on calling it that) left me with several profound realisations… first being ‘Not to give up’..if I had stopped watering them midway seeing no progress, these little shoots would have literally never seen the light of day. That reamphasized the virtue of Patience (I tend to run out of it from time to time). It also reaffirmed my belief that its not always about being technically correct. Listening to your heart can also be equally fruitful. And most importantly, it gave me new sense of respect for the Cycle of life itself…we too are just like these flowers….we grow, we blossom, we thrive, we perish into the ground..only to be reborn again….just like these flowers, we too are eternal.

  • “Sometimes you have to kind of die inside in order to rise from your own ashes and believe in yourself and love yourself to become a new person.” …

Now am just going to continue to shower my love and care (and of course other basics such as water and sunlight) to make sure these tiny leaves and shoots can grow stronger roots and eventually fill the pot with beautiful flowers. 😊💐

66 thoughts on “Rebirth…

  1. Sometimes you have to kind of die inside in order to rise from your own ashes and believe in yourself and love yourself to become a new person.” …
    So true.
    Actually if one is receptive, one can learn a lot from what life throws at us even from the mundane everyday!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. “We realize–often quite suddenly–that our sense of self, which has been formed and constructed out of our ideas, beliefs and images, is not really who we are. It doesn’t define us, it has no center.”


      Liked by 2 people

  2. Such a beautiful read! It’s so true that sometimes just when you want to give up, that’s when keeping on going will make all the difference. That’s so exciting you got new flowers! I had no idea dead flowers buried could do this. Lots of beautiful reflections in this blog.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Beautiful inspirational tale, it’s such fun when the green shoots reward your patience isn’t it? Well done, now take care till those plants grow flowers, enjoy the flowers and be back on track for more. And before you know, you have a blooming garden 🙂
    It was such a nice thought to not discard them and try this experiment 👏👏👏

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Your post really touched me deeply. Our New Growth symbolized by your story takes place in the dark without us even aware of it. If we are not walking in faith and act as though we already have that growth, then that growth never comes. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this story and especially your quote that you highlighted in white. Awesome!! xo

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I love this. I used to have quite a few houseplants but in this current house there are few places that have enough light to grow through the long, dark winter months, so I’m not tending to plants as often as I like… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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