Tough times

The world thought it had tamed the monster,

That they had succeeded in preventing another disaster.

Alas, Couldn’t have been more wrong,

The queue of body bags keeps getting long.

The times we face now are indeed grim and rough,

And as days go by, the going gets tough.

People all around are suffering,

Healthcare system is collapsing.

The cities are exhausted and breathless,

Everywhere you look, the governance is a shameful mess.

There’s panic and fear everywhere,

Without sufficient medicines, the less fortunate resorts to prayer.

The wise ones stay at home,

While the covidiots continue to roam.

Everyday is a new record.

But we are nowhere near the peak, mark my word.

When will we start to heal and mend?

Oh God, when will this nightmare end?

Dear all, Now is NOT the time to give up and despair,

Time to show our inherent human resilience extraordinaire.

We have to put up a brave fight to see this through,

Remember we are all in this together- me and you.

Together we will fight the monster, till we bid it adieu,

Coz tough times don’t last, but tough people do.

“Everybody goes through difficult times, but it is those who push through those difficult times who will eventually become successful in life. Don’t give up, because this too shall pass.”

― Jeanette Coron

31 thoughts on “Tough times

  1. Thanks so much for this post, my friend.
    It gets too heavy to handle some times, the sheer weight of this catastrophe. Ticking off each day as it ends, in the hopes we’re getting closer to the dawn. Beautiful, soothing words. Keep safe. Keep positive. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Sundaram…these are unprecedented times , so no manual to guide us through it..each day as it comes…one day at a time..only way to get by is with hope and faith….stay safe and take care friend 😃😃

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Well written, stating the helpless situation and somewhere along the middle, there is positivity and ends on a hopeful note… Loved it🙂👍

    Liked by 2 people

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