There are so many F words that come to my mind,
Of them the most omnipresent would be FEAR,
To this emotion I seem to have completely resigned,
It grips me completely when at night even the slightest sound comes to my ear.

When was the last time I lived without it,
I honestly don’t remember.
I ponder hard and suddenly it hit,
It was few years back till before September.

That was the time when fear gripped me harder than ever,
It paralyzed me and made me go numb,
After that, it became permanent and  left me never..
It surpasses everything else and makes all the other emotions and me totally dumb.

As much as I may try to think past it,
And divert attention elsewhere,
This constant fear makes me beat,
No matter where I look or turn my gaze, I always feel it lurking ….oh it’s just right there.

Fear of losing, fear of trying new things, fear of enjoying too much,
The constant paranoia…I can’t even begin to tell,
It basically holds me back from doing anything wild and adventurous as such,
Here’s hoping one day I can conquer it and bid it a final farewell.. And tell it to go to HELL.

53 thoughts on “F.E.A.R

  1. Fear does take us along on an intense ride, I totally relate – now on the other side of working through a lot of it, I do remember thinking – when was the last time I woke up without feeling thsi fear? Keep going steady, don’t give in to it I would say, beautiful post.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Yes, its like an addiction one tries to get out of….but it still lurks around and one has to be vigilant at all times not to give in…am really happy to know you liked the poem…thank you John for your comment😊

      Liked by 1 person

  2. One of the most difficult to conquer emotions, but also one that challenges us beyond our safe zones, depending on the reason of fear. It needs to be conquered nevertheless, and admission and recognition of fear is a big step forward. And when you have attained abilities to create a great literary work out of it, you are nearly there 👏

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Wow-This is a volcano of inner feelings altogether-loved every bit of it…I am struggling to get over it-there is a kind of fear which is manifested in you and I try hard to get over that but it is getting tougher-hopefully some day I will be able to.Loved your thoughts!

    Liked by 7 people

  4. Fear is a very useful feeling and it keeps us safe. But often fear is the mouse that roared, and when we face it, we find that it has no bite at all. A heartfelt poem. Be safe while you sweep those mice out the door. 🙂

    Liked by 6 people

  5. I think that many people can relate to this – especially with everything that is going on in the world right now. But know that feeling fear like this isn’t going to change anything. The only thing that we should be really afraid of is not living life to the fullest because we let our fears hold us back. Thank you for sharing – you have a way with words.

    Liked by 5 people

  6. Fear of losing, fear of trying new things, fear of enjoying too much,
    The constant paranoia…I can’t even begin to tell, ..very nice,well written..🤗 stay blessed with happiness, success and confidence..

    Liked by 5 people

  7. a relatable post. yes fear is something that stalks us and keeps us at bay from trying something new. You wrote it so well and your words really touched me.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Well we are human after all. Fear,fight and flight are in our dna… Its survial of the fittest at the end of the day. It was a real pleasure to read your work. Have a happy weekend:)

        Liked by 2 people

  8. You have already taken the hardest steps in conquering fear.
    1. You told all of us. (fear hates that).
    2. And you told it to, “go to hell,” fear, fears that.
    Here is the next thing you might want to say to fear,
    “I am better than you.”

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you Cindy for pointing that out. Honestly didn’t think of it like that. But you are right…fear has to be shown its place or else it just completely takes over…thank you for your wise words🤗🤗


  9. So well put… fear of enjoying too much…a favourite constant with me…
    And to know that Fear actually has no real existence…aah..
    Reminds me the tagline of the movie After Earth:
    Danger is real, fear is not…
    But when it strikes, it is more real than anything else…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Always look forward to your valuable feedback Sundaram. Thank you so much for sharing the movie tagline…it just perfectly sums up the poem and my exact feelings regarding fear. 👍👍

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